Voici quelques conseils qu’il faut avoir au minimum à l’esprit lorsque l’on désire acheter une GEMME DE QUALITE et de ne pas se tromper.
No, a stone isn’t just a name, a number of carats and a price!!!!
There are a number of quality criteria that you must be able to appreciate and that will considerably influence the value of the stone. These criteria are inspired by the famous 4C rule for diamonds (Color, Clarity, Carat, Cut).
First of all the importance of colour and its intensity. Is the stone too dark or too light? Is there a secondary colour? These colour criteria are also a matter of taste.
In a second time, it will be necessary to appreciate its purity. Yes, the inclusions are the signature of the stone but the important thing is that to the naked eye it does not appear too unsightly inclusions and cracks. There are exceptions for stones that are almost always considered to be included, such as emerald, for example, where we talk about “garden”. There are also stones where inclusions are their main interest, such as certain quartz. Apart from the unsightly appearance, badly placed inclusions in the stone prevent good reflection of light.
The third criterion is that of the cut (see our article on faceting) which is a much more important criterion than it seems because it is thanks to a quality cut that the stone will shine by restoring the light. It is absolutely necessary to avoid stones with a window in its center, as we can unfortunately see too often on the pictures. It appears in the stones with proportions (critical angles) not respected such as a pavilion too flat or too deep. Also be careful with too visible scratches, especially on the top of the stone (table and crown). Sign that the stone has been stored and handled for a long time and without precaution.
The other criterion inspired by the 4C rule is the mass in carat. In theory, the bigger a stone is, the rarer and therefore more expensive it is. But this criterion alone, without the others mentioned above, is far from being sufficient.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the too technical descriptions (refractive index, hardness, chemical properties,…) which interest neither the professionals who already know this information nor the private individuals, for whom they have no interest in the act of purchase.
Also beware of overly attractive prices that can be found on certain online auction platforms. On the other hand, high prices are not necessarily synonymous with quality.
The influence of certain treatments that the stone may have undergone is also an important factor in the appreciation of its value.
When selling at a distance, always turn to professionals offering a 14-day inspection period, which corresponds to the legal withdrawal period for distance selling. (Consumer Code: articles L221-18 to L221-28)
Maintenant, à vous de jouer et bon shopping…